in South Africa

Trust  •  Quality  •  Consistency
Rocket being prepped for launch
About Us

Coza is a privately held entrepreneurial investment company in South Africa.

The company was established by brothers Jaco and Niel Claassens, to diversify their investments beyond the Mining & Exploration industry, which had been their primary focus prior to 2015.

Coza operates as a holding company of leading investments, focusing on property and ancillary industries and the remaining mining investments.

Our Investments



With the companies foundation being set in the mining and exploration industry, this remains a strong focus of Coza Investments diverse portfolio.

& Exports

Investing in the importing and exporting of a wide range of great quality building finishes and leisure solutions at affordable prices.

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Specialising in residential properties, Coza aims to produce a finished product true to our values of quality, trust, and consistency.

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